Zoom view of rotational molding

Rotational moulding is a manufacturing process  that makes it possible to produce hollow pieces, often of very high large capacity (up to several meters in diameter).

It consists of applying hot powdered polyethylene on the wall of a mold that performs rotations for between 45 minutes and 1 hour.  In this way, several layers are superimposed making the object more resistant. The object is then cooled for 15 min.

When it is removed from the mould, the edges are shaped with a cutter in order to tidy up the finish. Polyethylene is a lightly flexible material, which gives it a fantastic resistance to temperatures ranging from -65 to +85°C.

This procedure makes it possible to produce pieces that are unique leaving plenty of scope for creativity. The simplicity and elegance of this pottery perfectly enhances the plants that they harbor.

Advantages of rotomoulded pottery

Rotationally molded pottery selected by Croix Chatelain is guaranteed for its suitability for the outdoors, its color and its durability. It is:

  • Light, easy to install, waterproof
  • environmentally-friendly, 100% recyclable
  • Shock-resistant
  • UV resistant, even after thousands of hours of sunlight.
  • Resistant to frost and summer heat waves: from -65° to +85°