Lungo, butler and bowli: Xala’s fetish watering cans

What do a coffee pot, a teapot and a watering can have in common?

A lot! Same features and components (container, handle and spout).

Belgian designer Davy Grosemans takes inspiration from the shape and style of traditional coffee and tea pots to create surprising new objects. By enlarging the whole (the Lungo watering can has a capacity of 12l), it creates an unusual yet funny image: a gardener watering his plants with an oversized coffee pot… It looks like Alice in Wonderland!

  • Lungo (12l) available in 8 colours: pale green, dark blue, black, yellow, red, pale grey and gold for the holidays.
  • Butler (6l) available in 5 colours: light grey, pink, pigeon blue, old green and black.
  • Bowli (2,5l) available in 4 colours: pale grey, pale pink, pigeon blue and black.