Crop Calendar

Sowing is a natural, simple and cheap gesture… You would be wrong to deprive yourself of it!
For a few euros, you will get tens, even hundreds of plants.
All you have to do is prepare a small piece of land, respect the growing conditions and consult a crop calendar.

Good to know before sowing.

The CRIOC has published a very useful crop calendar for all amateur gardeners. You will find all the dates to sow and harvest vegetables, plants and flowers at the right time.

In addition, many seed sachets contain a wealth of information. Here are some of them.

Mandatory information

As for food products, certain informations are compulsory: the name of the species (carrot, carnation,…) and that of the variety as well as the grammage, indicated by weight or number of seeds

The essential indications

For successful sowing, you will need the following information: the sowing period (which may vary slightly depending on your geographical location) as well as the growing conditions (ideal depth, soil required, spacing required and exposure for optimal harvest).

The useful tips

Some sachets also offer practical advice on thinning, maintaining and harvesting the sown plants.
Finally, the deadline for seed use is also useful because germination quality can change more or less rapidly depending on the seed.